Where Have We Been?

It has been quite awhile hasn't it? Don't worry, we are fine, but a lot has happened since we last spoke.
We are now a full time homeschooling family! That's right!! And it has been amazing for our family, so far. We have been working through a lot of issues with our public schooling, even after withdrawing our children. We've had some business changes, changes in routines, and just seasons of life. But we are back!
We have lots of content ready for Yas, and it will all be trickling out very soon.
Here is a glimpse at what is to come:
Our journey transitioning from public to home schooling
Homesteading: What's the fuss?
Routines and schedules
How to go with the flow and embrace the season you are in
While we gear up for getting these posts scheduled out, leave us a comment or reply to your subscribed email of what YOU would like us to write about, or what you are most excited to read along in our journey.