Choosing A New Church Home

Prior to Covid-19, we had a steady church home. We attended every Sunday, attended weekly bible studies and family nights, and volunteered on a regular basis. We were there for several years. Then, following the Covid Pandemic, we felt that it was our time to move on.
We spent a lot of time discussing what we looked for in a church home, and researching churches in our area. We thought we had found a new home, but it was 40 minutes away. There were many, many weeks that we just couldn't make it that far to attend an in person service. Eventually, we stumbled upon the church we now attend and love. Our quest wasn't easy. it took time, research, and many discussions, but we'd finally found what we'd been looking for.
Here is a glimpse at what WE look for in a church home:
Doctrine: Do we believe the same things that they preach?
Community: Is there a good sense of non-judgmental community within the church?
Outreach: We were looking for a church that does a lot of outreach and service to their community.
We had our "opinions" on music as well. We both love the newer worship music, but we also appreciate traditional hymns as well. But that would not make or break us when it came to where we landed our feet,
We what we were looking for and are happy to make good habit out of regular attendance and service again! For once you find reasons to not show up a week or two (things DO happen), it's much easier to find reasons to continue to NOT go. We are curious to know, is there anything else you would add to this list for finding a new church?