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Things We Never Take Away As Punishment

There are many, many different methods that people use to discipline their children. I'm not here to debate that. We've tried so many different things. Some work, others don't. But, there are several things WE, personally, will never take away from our children because we believe they are more than just a "right" or a "privilege." We believe that some things should ALWAYS be available to anyone.


The number one thing we will NEVER take away is JESUS! This includes, but is not limited to, Church, church commitments, youth group (to some extent), prayer, the Bible, and so on. Now, if they are being punished for some reason, they MAY not be able to go to the fun youth bonfire or something to that sort. But in general, we want them to always seek Him first. We believe that Jesus is not something you can or should ever take away. When He dies on the cross for OUR sins, He made that VERY clear.


This one may be one that will bring up many different opinions. We believe, again, that reading is essential. It almost doesn't even matter WHAT is being read. Reading, both with each other and on our own, is very important for our minds and our growth. This is not something we can or will ever take away. If, by chance, our children are asked to sit in their room for awhile, they are more than welcome to read all they want.


Now, I will not say that we have never threatened to take away a snack, or prolonged dinner before, until something was finished or a tantrum was resolved. But our children know they will never go without food. This should never be used as punishment. We all need food and our children do not EVER need to feel unloved either. This would be a sign of child abuse/neglect.

Time with Each Other

Now, we've had someone stay with us before who would punish our children and then when mommy came in to go talk with them, they would say something like, "NO! They can't have any mommy time today. They lost that privilege!" This is NOT okay. Taking away their mother, or father should and will never be okay in our home. Even their siblings. They may be asked to give them space, or stay away from them for a bit. But they will never be told they lost the right to see their parents or siblings that they are surrounded by all day, every day, and with whom they find comfort.


This should also be a given. School is essential. And it is also law that they attend school regularly. This needs no more explanation ;-)

These are just a few things that WE, again personally, will never include in a punishment. Every family, every person is different. We are curious to know if there are any other items YOU would add to this or if you have a list of your own.


Meet the Super parents 

We are Bethany and Jeffrey

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