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5 Stress Busters For The Mom That Feels Overwhelmed

Do you suffer from having too much to do and feeling like you can never catch up? Ever feel too stressed out and afraid of taking it out on your children? Overwhelmed? Burnt out? Try some of these Stress Busters and you are sure to be feeling relieved and more relaxed in no time.

1.Take The Lead

More and more parents have been finding themselves "asking" their children to do things, giving them an implied "choice," as opposed to telling them what they are expected to do. "Can you please ckean your room for me?" "Do your chores before going outside to play, ok?" In order to get your children to do what you expect them to do, you need to give them direction, not a choice. Do you have a choice in the matter whether or not to get up and make them breakfast? Do the laundry? Go to work? No. You have no choice. Giving them age appropriate chores is a part of showing them how to live in the real world one day. That things will not just "happen." The dishes will not just appear cleaned and put away. Their bills will not just pay themselves. Cars will not just run on air, if not filled with gas. They need direction, and training if they are going to grow into resposible adults one day.

Giving them a choice makes them think that if they don't, you will. My ex had a serious problem when it came to cleaning ANYTHING. We would fight constantly about it, but it was always assumed I would do it myself. Time and time again, I would grow tired of cleaning up after him when he showed little to no effort and I had my own (our children) children to clean up after. He would call his mother over, who happened to live across town, and she would come clean up for him.

Is this how the world works? Not normally. Is this they way you want your children to grow up? I sure hope not. So try rewording these simple demands to, "Clean up your room and your friend can come over." Or " You need to make sure your homework is finished before you can go outside." Trust me, if will be worth it in the end and they may even thank you for it.

2. Create Powerful Consequences

I'm sure we have all uttered the famous rule of three at least once before. "I'm going to count to three....this is your last chance!" or "One more time and that's it!" While this is ok, you need to make sure that it is known that you are not bluffing. I was always famous for false threats. I would tell my kids I would take this away or do that and I never did because I felt bad later that such an opportunity was missed.

Ever been told by your boss to do (or not to do) something and failed to listen? I bet you got fired, or reprimanded in one way or another. If not, did your behavior change? Probably not. Similarly, if we threaten to not take them to the park, or take away tv time and fail to do so, they will not change their behavior. They will think to themselves, "She's only kidding, nothing's going to happen." Make sure whether it is early bedtime, losing a priveledge, or whatever that it is not imposed as an empty threat. ALWAYS follow through.

3. Quit Babying Your Children

I had this terrible problem of everytime my kids needed something, I ran to their rescue. My 3 year old wanted help putting her coat on, I'd help. My 6 years old wanted help finding her shoes, I'd help her look despite our rule of if "if they are not put where they belong, you find them." Eventually, I had a 6 year old that tried convincing me to get her dressed, find her misplaced items, etc.

When they grow older, whose going to wait on them hand and foot? I don't know about you but no one ever waited on ME hand and foot, at 6 OR 26. If you keep treating your children as babies, they will grow up to be 28 years old and have you walk across town to come clean their house for them (as stated earlier). Things will be so much easier for you, and them, if you teach them to learn how to do things on their own.

4. Mediatate On God's Word

This should have probably been number one, because it's most important. Make sure that each day you make time to meditate on the Lord's word. Read from your bible everyday, pray, do family devotionals. Make sure the Lord is always first in your mind and he will guide you throughout your day. Teach your children how to make God THEIR priority as well. They learn through experience and influence. Show them the way. "Train up a child in the way he should go,And when he is old he will not depart from it." (Proverbs 22:6)

5. Sweat It Out

Now, this is not always one of my personal strong points. Excercise is essentially another very important thing to include in our day. Whether it be a daily run, the gym, or even a walk or play at the park with your kids, make exercise a priority of yours each day. Can't find enough time or energy to go to the gym today? Take your kids for a walk around the neighborhood and look for fireflies. After you make this an important part of everyday, you will be feeling refreshed and less stressed in no time.

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