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To "Train" up a Child?

So, me and Jeff have been looking a lot into material about what it means to be a good wife/husband and parent in todays society and biblically. I have been working on this on my own ever since just before new years anyway. But he came across a book (about needing a help meet) at the library where he is and decided to recommend the parenting books by the same authors as well as the wifes version of the book he is currently reading. Unfortunately for him, he cannot look into reviews where he is right now something he is always big on when he is home and ordering things). I looked at the reviews, after purchasing the parenting books, and was very disappointed. But, I decided that I would do my own research and read the books and come to my own conclusions while still keeping these reviews in mind.

Let me just say, unless you want to destroy your children and your family and your way of thinking, do NOT READ "To Train up a Child" by Michael and Debi Pearl. They are the biggest nutcases I have ever come across. Their idea of "training" our children is what they call "corporal chastisement." This is claim is not to punish the children but to make them happy, feel safe, and to remove guilt over what they have done. They try to manipulate you through the use of scripture (twisted the wrong way) to disguise what they are doing from being cruel and wrong to making you believe it is what God wants from us.

They claim that in order to have happy, well-behaved children, we NEED to hit our children and never with our own hand even; but instead with an object such as a stick, spatula, rod, wtc. They also state to start this at infanthood. They say that newborns should never be taught that they can cry to get what they want/need. how the hell else are they supposed to tell us??

These people are nutcases and I highly recommend you never read their books. I am not upset with him for recommending them bc he did not know. I am actually happy that I read it bc it has inspired me to speak out against ppl like this who have their kids still when ppl I know have lost their kids for much less. This book has inspired me to go a different way with my writing for a change. I will continue you read the others to continue with some more "research" but thats it. There is nothing good to come out of these books. He wanted them to do some research for himself, as a first time parent, but after me reading him several specific lines, he has told me I am welcome to just throw them away after I am done with them.

So, in conclusion PLEASE watch out what you read in books. Go into things with an open mind but keep your eyes peeled and make sure you don't believe everything you read just bc it has sold a lot of books.

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